.ini Files – the Configuration Format You Never Knew You Wanted (maybe)
Over the past weekend, I discovered an undocumented (and what I think is a super cool) feature in PHP’s parse_ini_file and parse_ini_string functions. If you assign to a field an environment variable, it will populate the resulting array with it’s value! I stumbled upon this while throwing together a configuration system for an API I am working on (no framework, just libraries and single component–packages). When I landed on using ....

The Obligatory "My VSCode Setup for Web Development" Post
This article details the extensions I use to turn my VSCode installations into a lightweight software development toolbox for the web, or a “lite” IDE. VSCode is my editor of choice when it comes to a daily driver for editing source code on any given platform & language, most often PHP on the web (like it has anywhere else to go, or does it…). It seems that a majority of PHP developers use PHPStorm over other editors/IDEs and refuse to stoop to anything with less power than a nuclear reactor....